Compassionate and Reliable Care for Dogs
in the Comfort of My Home
My Other Home Care Program
An innovative short-term boarding and care program for dogs with special needs
For years, I have heard pet owners mention the frustration of not being able to get away for a short trip because there was no one to care for the special needs of their dog.
Canine Education Center, LLC, has developed an innovative program in which an applied animal behaviorist will care for the special needs of your pet dog while you are away. Your pet may need specific medical care (Example: insulin coverage in dogs with diabetes; surgical wound care, etc.) or specific behavioral care (Example: medications/activity for separation anxiety, senior dog care, etc.). Being an applied animal behaviorist and a veterinary nurse, Camille understands the specific behavioral and/or medical needs of your dog. A pet owner may need some downtime when offering 24-hour care for a dog with special needs. You can have peace of mind knowing that your dog will be treated with respect and provided with high-quality care.
My Other Home program only takes one family’s dog at a time so the focus will be on humane, compassionate care of your pet while you are away. Your pet dog will be incorporated into my household as though your dog was my dog. The utmost comfort will be provided for your dog whether he would like to be on the couch or prefer a dog bed. Puzzle toys are available for mental stimulation. Our home is situated on a half-acre and the yard is fully privacy fenced for safety. There is much enrichment provided by trees, shrubs, and walking paths. The property is registered as Wildlife Habitat through the National Wildlife Federation. Your dog will have access to be outside, if desired, with supervision by a professional. The pet owner should provide the dog’s food, medications, dressings, and any other items for care, so your dog will have an easy transition-of-routine from your home to their Other Home.
An assessment of your dog’s needs and suitability of placement-fit will be completed beforehand.
Pricing: $150 per day/night (for any length of stay). Call for more information on this program.